If we’re talking average-length novels, the figure is more like 3,000 loglines.
The brutal logic of the situation is this: an agent or producer can read 1,000 loglines in the time it takes to read a single screenplay. They need a way to decide which stories are worth a closer look, and which are not-without actually taking the time to read those stories. First and foremost, the people who represent and purchase books and screenplays are incredibly busy. Now let’s deal with New York and Hollywood. You have one sentence-because if they don’t like that, they’ll never get to your pitch. You do not, at this point, have the pitch or the whole back cover to make your case. If you don’t hook them fast-intrigue them with your concept-they’re gone, and onto the next thing. They’ve got a bazillion titles to choose from. They’re scanning the bookshelves (real or virtual) deciding on their next read. Let’s start with your average book reader, because that’s a simpler equation. Because if you blow the answer to that question, nothing else matters: few if any industry professionals (in Hollywood or New York) will read your story, and there’s a good chance no one else will, either. Did you explain who your main character is, what he or she wants, and what keeps them from getting whatever-it-is they want? If not, you need a logline. Did your answer require more than 10 seconds? Did you hesitate or fumble? If so, you need a logline. (For a more accurate evaluation, have someone else ask the question and time your answer.) And here…we…go. Do not hit STOP until you’ve answered the question-out loud-to the best of your ability. Either way, hit START the second you’ve finished reading the question below. If you don’t have a “real” one handy, bring up a virtual stopwatch. And they will pre-judge your tale not on its merits, but on the answer you provide.īefore we get to the question itself, find a stopwatch. To find out, they will ask you a simple question. When you’re selling a story (or trying to), there’s one thing everyone wants to know.